Past Priests

Past Priests Dom. Anselm Brewer OSB Priest 1845 Dom. Maurus Shepherd OSB Priest 1845 – 1851 Dom. Francis Kershaw OSB Priest 1852 – 1855 Dom. Benedict Lynass OSB Priest 1855 – 1860 Dom. Ignatius Dewhurst OSB Priest 1860 – 1869 Dom. Cuthbert Proctor OSB Priest 1869 – 1882 Dom. Anthony Bulbeck OSB Priest 1882 – … Read more


Who are the Knights of St. Columba? The Knights of St Columba is an Order of Catholic laymen, open to all practising Catholic men over the age of 16. Who are the Knights of St. Columba? The organisation, which is non-political, exists to support the mission of the Catholic Church by undertaking Catholic Action and … Read more


Church Newsletter – General Notice A dramatic end to a week in Yarl’s Wood Mark Easton | 13:31 UK time, Friday, 19 June 2009 A quote from our church newsletter at the time of the Singo family’s detainment in Yarl’s Wood detention centre pending deportation in June 2009. “The PPC and the monks think that it is … Read more